Magnification (xripl.magnification)

Created on Wed Jun 3 14:51:45 2020

@author: Pawel M. Kozlowski


lineoutMinima(lineoutX, lineoutY[, ...])

Given lineout should be lineout from flattened radiograph image.

tubeCenterPx(minimaIdxs[, lineoutY, plotsFlag])

Given the pixel positions of the tube edges, obtains the tube center in pixels for a tube target.


Obtains the diameter of the tube in pixels when given the tube edges.

magnificationUmPx(innerDiameterPx[, ...])

Get magnification with propagated uncertainty in um/px when given target tube diameter in um, in px, and standard deviation on the diameter in px.

magnificationAnalysis(shot, camera, dataDir, ...)

Get magnification from target radiograph by measuring inner tube wall of known diameter.