Visualizations (xripl.visualizations)

Created on Mon Oct 22 16:44:47 2018

Convenience functions for visualizing radiographic data and processed data from XRIPL.

@author: Pawel M. Kozlowski


spatialConversion(img, px2Um, pxRef, umRef)

Generates spatial extents of image in micrometers, by using the image shape, pixel to micrometer conversion factor, and a reference position defined in both pixel and micrometer coordinates.

overlayTube(img, extent[, method])

Overlays known coordinates of tube based on shock tube dimensions onto the given image.

cropImgCalibrated(img, px2Um, pxRef, umRef, ...)

Crops the image and provides updated extents for spatial calibration of the image.

rotateImgCalibrated(img, px2Um, pxRef, umRef)

Rotates the image 90 degrees in counter clockwise direction, and provides updated extents for spatial calibration of the image.

lineoutsComparison1(imgRaw, imgDenoised, ...)

Plots normalized lineouts for raw, denoised, and cleaned iamges for comparison.

lineoutsComparison2(imgDenoised, imgFlat, px)

Compares pseudo-flatfielded lineout against denoised lineout.